C++ signal slot thread safe

QObject Class | Qt 4.8 A signal-slot connection is removed when either of the objects involved are destroyed. Note: This function is thread-safe. bool QObject:: disconnect (const QObject * receiver, const char * method = 0) This function overloads disconnect(). Disconnects all signals in this object from receiver's method. FT merge to master. fixes #7, closes #5 · NoAvailableAlias ...

GitHub - vdksoft/signals: C++ signals & slots C++ signals and slots. vdk-signals is a type-safe and thread-safe signals-slots system for standard C++ designed with performance and simplicity in mind. It follows the main philosophy of the C++ language avoiding unnecessary overheads and superfluous functionality that can slow down your program. Yassi: Yet Another Signal/Slot Implementation - CodeProject If you've ever used Qt to build a GUI, you're probably familiar with their signal/slots implementation. For me, it was my first encounter with the idiom and I really liked it. The design made me feel like I could have different elements interact with eachother without them even being aware of ...

C++: безопасность потоков в библиотеке сигналов/слотов

c++ - Singleton or Signal and Slots? - Stack Overflow Singleton or Signal and Slots? Ask Question 0. I am trying to reimplement or modify a tab code in a gui application. ... I could simplify things using a thread safe singleton class. Then when ever a tab is moved, the widget just call on the singleton rather than emitting a signal. Thanks. c++ qt user-interface. ... Signal Slot not working. 4. Threadsafe C++ signals done right : cpp - reddit.com Indeed. Qt signal/slot are specifically designed to make threads easy. You just write the code with signals and then, depending on the thread where the objects are created at the beginning (or to which thread they are moved), same signals act as direct calls or as message queues. Boost: what exactly is not threadsafe in Boost.Signals? It doesn't seem to be like Qt, in which the thread a certain slot's code gets run on is based on the target slot's "thread affinity" (which means emitting a signal can trigger slots on many different threads to run in parallel.) But I guess not supporting that is why the boost::signal "combiners" can do things like this. c++ - Is it safe to emit signal from another thread ...

Provide a very simple C++ interface for doing signal-slot-connections in an easy but thread-safe manner. - AIM360/signals-cpp

GitHub - cpp11nullptr/lsignal: C++ signal and slot system

c++ - Qt signal slot over thread, is this the safe way ...

c++ - Is it safe to emit signal from another thread ... Is it safe to emit a signal on an object from another thread (if the slot is connected as QueuedConnection)?I couldn't find a specific piece of documentation that would mention this, the most relevant quote I found is this:. QObject is reentrant.

Almost all classes provided by Boost.Signals2 are thread safe and can be used in multithreaded applications. For example, objects of type boost::signals2::signal and boost::signals2::connection can be accessed from different threads. On the other hand, boost::signals2::shared_connection_block is not thread safe.

C++: Thread Safety in a Signal/Slot Library - Stack Overflow Feb 15, 2015 ... I suspect there is no clearly good answer, but clarity will come from documenting the guarantees you wish to make about concurrent access to ...

GitHub - netromdk/sigs: Simple thread-safe signal/slot C++17 ...